Sunday, February 28, 2010

get a (second) life

the fascination with second life in academia continues and i can't for the life of me figure out why. it's an especially hot topic at conferences that engage recruiters and career center employees. i get monthly invitations to career fairs occurring in second life, none of which i have ever endorsed or advertised to students, yet employers invest hundreds of dollars to attend these fairs. while i see the attraction of paying one fee and potentially reaching students from schools across the country, my casual conversational research of gen y has told me that they are not turning to the virtual world for their job search and thus second life recruiters may be left unfulfilled.

i am actually surprised that second life is a topic in a social networking class taking place in 2010. i was under the impression that the virtual world's membership and popularity had waned significantly in recent years. maybe my attitude will change after thursday's exploration of second life in itec656, but for now, the 3d immersive space looks about as inviting as a shark tank.

but who am i to judge? i've never raised a barn or built a fishlab either.


  1. I was really surprised to read how companies and academic institutions use Second Life. It's interesting to read your post and know that it wasn't just those isolated examples in the article, that participation occurs on a regular basis. I also don't really understand it...

  2. well..atleast you have had a few experiences with second life in academia and the real world...I never new it existed--which is crazy considering i am constantly online...hopefully i can firgure this thing out tonight and catch up with everyone else...
